The ‘Support to Implementation of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (SIBDP 2100)’ project began from October 2018, intending to support the implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (BDP 2100). The main tasks of the SIBDP 2100 project are: i) establishment of necessary institutional setup of SIBDP, ii) ensure capacity building of relevant partners, iii) drive knowledge management and set up an information portal, iv) resource mobilization and access to funding, and v) investment projects. To facilitate the above-mentioned tasks, the General Economics Division (GED) has undertaken the project titled 'Support to Implementation of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100'. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has committed to providing technical as well as financial support. A team of consultants of the SIBDP consortium has been engaged to support GED and facilitate its implementation task. TwynstraGudde leads the consortium with other technical assistance partners: Deltares, Euroconsult Mott MacDonald, Climate Adaptation Services (CAS), Wageningen University and Research, Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), and Center Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS).
SIBDP 2100 addresses five implementation capacities in order to achieve the expected outputs and outcomes of effective BDP 2100 implementation, its investments, good governance, institutionalization, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and future research scope, which are necessary for achieving overall delta vision and goals. These five capacities shown in the figure below are briefly explained.
Figure 1:Five implementation capacities for achieving Vision, Goals, and BDP 2100 implementation
Administrative Capacity: Implementation of a significant and sizeable plan such as the BDP 2100 requires an adequate institutional framework to further operationalize the plan. Integration of BDP 2100 into the legal framework, governance rules, regulations, and national planning cycle is needed to mainstream BDP 2100 within policies and plans like the National Five-Year Plans, the (draft) Perspective Plan 2041, and the yearly budget allocation process. Furthermore, a legal and strong institutional basis is required to integrate and coordinate the multi-sectoral tasks and investments of the involved ministries and agencies at the national and local levels.
Connective and Organization Capacity: Prerequisites to implementing a multi-sectoral plan includes necessary interaction and coordination among implementing agencies. In addition, it is also essential to ensure the 'readiness' of involved implementing agencies, knowledge institutions, and key stakeholders. Readiness means being prepared to implement: 1) knowing and being trained on the BDP 2100 content with its methodology and strategies, 2) bringing involved agencies in good shape (e.g., mandates, rules, structure and tasks, processes, human and financial resources, other capacities), 3) contributing in the execution of projects. BDP 2100 implementation requires a strong emphasis on coordination and interaction, the establishment of a network of implementers with proactive focal points, and effective procedures for micro-planning, decision-making, funding, and project execution. These elements and training will be part of the capacity strengthening element of the SIBDP 2100 project.
Knowledge and Learning Capacity: Implementation can only take place when necessary information, data, maps, and quality knowledge are available. Knowledge management, research, and learning are therefore of crucial importance in implementing an adaptive delta plan. Data, information, and understanding are required to deal with the drivers of change and pragmatically promote development. In the long run, the SIBDP 2100 project will support and manage interventions in the natural system, as well as institutional, organizational, and management, and financial matters.
Additionally, a 3-yearly periodic review of BDP 2100 implementation will offer systematic insight into the progress of implementation, natural system behaviour, and goal achievement. In parallel, the Bangladesh-Netherlands Joint Cooperation Programme (JCP) is being carried out, involving Deltares, Wageningen University and Research, IWM, and CEGIS, in which specific knowledge needs will be addressed. These include sediment, river and polder management, food security, water quality in urban areas, and integrated assessment modelling (the 'Bangladesh Meta-model').
Funding Capacity: Appropriate investment planning, funding, and financial mechanisms are necessary for any implementation initiative. For implementation, BDP 2100 committed a provision of 2.5% of GDP annually. Mobilizing such resources for Delta Plan investment can be challenging for Bangladesh. Therefore, additional financial resources still need to be allocated by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), development partners, and International Financial Institutions (IFIs). For successfully implementing donor-funded delta projects, it is essential to regularly update the investment plan and build trust and relationships with development partners and IFIs. To address long-term challenges for development outcomes presented by climate change and natural hazards, Bangladesh needs to access external funding from global climate funds like GCF. In recent years, the GoB is gradually moving towards water infrastructure projects based on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), and it is essential to explore potential PPP opportunities for delta investment.
Natural System Adaptive Capacity: BDP 2100 implementation builds on previous planning exercise, which delivered project preparations and investment priorities – e.g., per hotspot projects with feasibility study belonging to the 0+ category, which after final approval and financing can be implemented. Projects will be shortlisted through stakeholder consultation and will be subsequently tested for coherence and goal achievement, linked to the overall investment portfolio for each hotspot/river basin. Implementation requires a well-considered approach, a systematic sequence, and the involvement of stakeholders. To facilitate effective implementation, the SIBDP 2100 project will build on the hotspot strategies and river basin plans, which will be further developed in close interaction with stakeholders and key decision-makers and implementing agencies. The foreseen meta-model assessment will be integrated into the project planning process and will support decision-making by planning and implementing agencies.
The SIBDP 2100 project is being hosted by the International Wing of GED, Bangladesh Planning Commission. A Delta Wing headed by the Project Director will be established to initiate and guide the implementation of BDP 2100 and supervise and monitor the progress. The implementation activities are supported by different layers of guiding and advisory committees, as described below. The organogram of SIBDP 2100 project is shown below:
Figure 2:SIBDP 2100 Project Organogram